Let’s talk about “soul wounds” and how they can trigger us to take on offense.

If you’ve ever carried a wound from the past into the present without it getting 100% healed, then you have what is called a “soul wound.”

Soul wounds that have laid dormant for just a day or for 50 years, make us think everything is great! Until a trigger happens and we respond how we don’t want to.

You may not remember the original wound itself, you only recognize that something is up because you responded incorrectly.

For example, someone’s bad attitude makes you extra judgy or frustrated.

Your thoughts about someone go on and on and you can’t let them go

Someone says something (good or harsh) and you take it personally or incorrectly, and you ruminate on it.

These triggers happen and you start to think you are a bad person because you got offended, became angry, lost your temper, shut down emotionally, stopped talking to people, avoided relationships, started talking badly about others.

Is your nephesh showing?

Nephesh is the Hebrew word that is usually translated as soul. Throughout Scripture it is connected to our mind, will, emotions, and desires.

When the soul gets wounded by traumatic experiences, hurtful people, a difficult childhood, words people have spoken, etc., and we carry those soul wounds without finding healing, they tend to become part of our identity and begin to affect the spirit and not just the soul.

They can change what we believe about our identity in God.

It is easier to heal from a past wound while it is still a soul wound before it becomes a spirit wound.

But what happens to your soul can defile your spirit.

An example would be allowing a past hurt to make you bitter, to become offended and start gossiping or slandering, to allow it to bring you to a place of unforgiveness, or judgment, or even unbelief.

Hebrews 12:15 tells us to see to it that we don’t allow a root of bitterness to rise up because it will defile many.

Bitterness is like a bottle of grape juice staining a white garment. It can splash to others around you unless you seek healing and forgiveness.

When you have become easily offendable, you know that there is a wound that has moved in to your spirit and has caused a root of bitterness somewhere.

Once we know there is a problem somewhere, that is the first step in finding healing! And there is healing!

Yeshua came to heal the broken hearted and to bind up their wounds.

So, being easily offendable usually shows an unhealed wound.
The first step in becoming unoffendable is recognizing the wound, and then choosing to take the steps to heal it instead of ignore it.

HIS kind of healing from soul wounds is VERY different from the worldly way we’ve been taught to heal.

There is NO true healing outside of HIM!

A good place to start is an Anointed to Soar session, you can read more about those HERE